Our Story
I am Hannes.

- CEO & founder of Minusplus a holistic salon group in Austria with 5 salons and over 50 stylists
- Trained coach with a focus on highly effective learning techniques
- Founder of Less is More our own organic hair care line (lessismore.at)
- And co-founder of the Online Hair School of Minusplus
And I am David.

- Trained stylist & internationally recognized trainer in Vidal Sassoon and Tony & Guy techniques.
- Founder & COO of Minusplus
- Multiple nominated and awarded hairdresser of the year
- And co-founder of the Online Hair School of Minusplus

"I remember well how I started my training.
started. At that time I was a very
frustrated student. I have been away from my
Teacher and mentor not felt supported
and often left me completely alone in my training
felt calm."

"I have at the end of my second year of apprenticeship a
Accident had, and was suddenly on the
Wheelchair dependent. Of course I am there at
I was at a crossroads and had to decide
have to do what I did from then on with my
start life.
I am very grateful to have someone
who for me is an "inspirational" person.
became a mentor and later showed me
has shown me how, despite my challenging
circumstances in our industry very successful
can be."

"And I remember it very well,
that at that time I was absolutely perfect in the
Haircutting wanted to become. I have
felt that I had something to prove
muses - not only to others, but above all to
myself as well."

"Yes, I can empathize with Hannes very well,
because I am one of the best fashion hairdressers
of the world wanted to become. It is understood
so it goes without saying that we are both strongly motivated
Were and wanted success badly."

"Yes Exactly. As I have already told you,
it was the learning process in hairdressing,
with which I have really struggled and the
frustrated me very often because it was so ineffective for me.
has occurred. On top of that I had
no guidance or support from my
Teacher and mentor, which for me it is still
has made it a lot more difficult.
And David, of course, has worked with quite a few other
challenges to contend with,
which he fortunately overcame with his attitude
could - because he was important to someone
was enough not to give up on him.
I believe that in everything in life, it is important to have
is to keep the faith and hold on to it.
to remember that you are never alone - especially,
when things are really difficult.
And it's totally crazy because I remember
still remember the exact day when my teacher
told me that I would never be a good stylist...
would become - because I lack natural talent,
Experience and of course hairdressing skills

"Unlike David, after all, I didn't have a positive
and inspiring mentor who taught me the
feeling that I can do anything in life.
can achieve. In fact, I was often told the
said the opposite and that my dreams are far
would be far-fetched and unrealistic. No wonder
so, that I am often distracted from my personal
I felt cut off from development,
because I lacked support and
I therefore the light at the end of the tunnel
could not really see. To tell you,
that I have a destructive dialogue in my
head, constantly telling me that I am
not good enough to make it is
still a real understatement.
But precisely because I have this burning
desire to be successful, I have
against these constant dialogs in my
head and decided to create a new
To find trainers.
One day a colleague recommended to me ,
to talk with Tony&Guy. At Tony&Guy went
it is all about the trainees according to their cutting method
fit. And training
and further training were very important there.
My experience there has given us
paved the way for my vision of a new
Type of training and the establishment of a
holistic school, for which David and I
are known worldwide today."

"And based on our very individual experiences.
we were all the more motivated
to work on us and to go further also
when the pain and the resistances in the meantime
were very large."

"So it's so clear to me now, you need to have
People by your side who are ready to help you
to stand by when things get challenging.
This is perhaps the most important thing for your success.
I remember one particular
day when everything changed for the better for me.
has turned. At that time I was convinced that
it was more or less over for me. The
Life, happiness and the possibility to live in the life
To be successful , were like a dream,
that I will never be able to realize. And the best
Fashion hairdresser in the world to become? Sure. The train
was whacky - or at least I did
thought that at the time, but one day I
my mentor two life-changing questions
He asks me, ‘Can you move your legs?’
‘Can you use your hands?’
‘Then I promise you’ll become a sought-after stylist who will one day be among the best in the world.'”

"Yes, just like Hannes, I was forced to,
let go of my beliefs and my
life, or to rethink myself and my
Giving up dreams - which I didn't want to do. Before
especially because I have people in my life
had who believe in me - even if I had
didn't believe in me."

"And because of those experiences and aha moments,
we both had, we realized,
how we have two perfectly trained and independent
Become stylists in hair cutting
can - against all odds. Hear
well to, dear ones, I can from my own experience

"I remember very well how I started my training. At that time, I was a very frustrated student. I didn't feel supported by my teacher and mentor and often felt completely alone in my training."

"I had an accident at the end of my 2nd year of teaching and was suddenly confined to a wheelchair. Of course, I was at a crossroads and had to decide what to do with my life from then on.
I am very grateful to have met someone who became an ,inspirational mentor to me and later showed me how to be very successful in our industry despite my challenging circumstances."

"And I remember very well that at that time I really wanted to become perfect in haircutting. I felt like I had something to prove - not just to others, but especially to myself."

"Yes, I can empathize with Hannes very well because I wanted to become one of the best fashion hairdressers in the world. So it goes without saying that we were both strongly motivated and wanted success badly."

"Yes Exactly. As I've told you before, it was the learning process in hairdressing that I really struggled with and that frustrated me a lot because it seemed so ineffective. On top of that, I had no guidance or support from my teacher and mentor, which made it that much more difficult for me.
And David, of course, has had to deal with a whole other set of challenges that he was fortunate enough to overcome with his attitude - because he was important enough to someone not to give up on him.
I believe that with everything in life, it's important to keep the faith and remember that you are never alone - especially when things are really difficult.
And it's totally crazy because I remember the exact day my teacher told me I would never be a good stylist - because I lacked natural talent, experience and of course hairdressing skills."

"So it's so clear to me now, you need people by your side who are willing to stand by you when things get challenging.
This is perhaps the most important thing for your success.
I remember one particular day when everything changed for the better for me. At that time I was convinced that it was more or less over for me. Life, happiness and the possibility to be successful in life were like a dream that I can never realize. And to become the best fashion hairdresser in the world? Sure. That ship had sailed - or at least that's what I thought at the time, but one day my mentor asked me two life-changing questions:
He asks me, ‘Can you move your legs?’
‘Can you use your hands?’
‘Then I promise you that you will become a stylist in demand, who will one day be one of the best in the world.'”

"Unlike David, after all, I didn't have a positive and inspiring mentor who made me feel like I could accomplish anything in life. In fact, I was often told the opposite and that my dreams were far-fetched and unrealistic. So it's no wonder that I often felt cut off from my personal development because I lacked support and therefore couldn't really see the light at the end of the tunnel. To tell you that I've had a destructive dialogue going on in my head that constantly tells me I'm not good enough to make it is a real understatement.
But it was precisely because I had this burning desire to succeed that I fought this constant dialogue in my head and decided to find a new instructor.
One day a colleague recommended me to talk to Tony&Guy. Tony&Guy was all about getting the trainees fit according to their cutting method. And training and continuing education were very important there.
My experiences there paved the way for my vision of a new kind of education and the creation of a holistic school for which David and I are now known worldwide."

"Yes, just like Hannes, I was forced to let go of my beliefs and rethink my life, or give up on myself and my dreams - which I didn't want to do. Especially because I had people in my life who believed in me - even when I didn't believe in myself."

"And because of our very individual experiences, we were all the more motivated to work on ourselves and keep going even if the pain and resistance were very great in the meantime."

"And because of those experiences and 'aha' moments we both had, we realized how to become two perfectly trained and independent stylists in haircutting - against all odds. Listen well, dear ones, I can say from my own experience:
If someone thinks of you
believes, no matter what you just
you will find a
way to be successful.
If someone believes in you, no matter what you are going through, you will find a way to succeed.

"Very gladly dear David:). Is it not really
amazing how powerful and above all
useful such life fights for your life
can be? Because if you have a problem
and solve it, you simply become stronger. And when
you can do the following over and over again - namely
fail, get up again and move forward
- no one can stop you. And
that is exactly what we have done.
What talent or skills we initially
we have been lacking, with perseverance and
a no excuses mentality again make up for
made and used to our advantage. We
have basically on ourselves
worked to create the best version of ourselves
to become Instead of whining and complaining about
the whole industry to complain, we have
decided to do something themselves. Our plan
was to create a holistic hair school,
to help the people in our industry
strengthen and above all also inspire those,
who do not yet know how wonderful
can be the practice of the craft.
We have started to develop an automated
Create an online teacher who is an instructor.
and mentor at the same time and is always the
can bring the same pedagogical quality.
And we wanted to make that available to others
what David had, but I did not: Namely
mentors, and a school system that is
believe in you more than you believe in yourself and that
supports you - wherever, whenever and however
always YOU need it."

"Yes, and after that we started to prove,
that our system of school really
works. And that's by getting all of our
employees and salon teams through our
newly developed automated platform
led. Thus, every day for all employees
a team of mentors was available,
with which they can work whenever, wherever, and however they
need it, could learn!"

"And dear people - even if it seems too beautiful,
to be true. There is now the
Possibility, for all the people who also
really want to get a brilliant education to
make And with our special online
Mentoring, we now make it possible for everyone, everywhere
and at any time a first-class haircutting
training without having to
financially overburdened."

Hannes, why don't you tell us what we're going to do next?
what mission we were on, and
and how we became so successful? And still
more important - how we have managed to create an environment
and to create a space for others like us
who have big dreams, but who do not
knew where to start?"

"Exactly. So we started to dream
... LOTS AND OFTEN. First in our minds.
Then we developed the concept for a holistic
School developed, which combines the craft with
personal growth through coaching and
Mentoring connects.that people like you
and we can realize their dreams and their potential in this
great industry - without all the hassle of
the pains, struggles and self-doubt that
we both went through.
So we went in search of the
most effective and modern technical
Tools for the special training style,
that we have been striving for. Then we have
started to develop our own platform,
which correspond to our own didactics and our
own educational methods follows.
And all this, while at the same time we are
have trained and supervised students,
to provide real-time feedback on
have what works and what doesn't. And
so, my dears, we have the first version
developed our holistic hair school,
now accessible to people all over the world

And because the plan worked out so well, we have
decided to use this automated mentor
24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all
accessible, even if they have zero
Have talent and zero experience. We called
our innovative concept "Online Hair School
by minusplus "!

"And in case you're wondering why we're so passionate about
at what we do: We know,
that our system works. It has become
proven in practice. It also offers a
efficient, practical and ethical solution for
an industry that urgently needs a change

Hannes, why don't you tell us what we did next, what mission we were on and how we became so successful? And more importantly - how we managed to create an environment and space for others like us who dreamed big but didn't know where to start?"

"Very happy dear David :). Isn't it really amazing how powerful and, above all, useful such life struggles can be for your life? Because when you have a problem and you solve it, you just get stronger. And if you can do the following over and over again - namely, fail, get back up, and move forward - no one can stop you. And that's exactly what we did.
What we initially lacked in talent or skill, we made up for with perseverance and a no excuses mentality and used it to our advantage. We basically worked on ourselves to become the best version of ourselves. Instead of whining and complaining about the whole industry, we decided to do something ourselves. Our plan was to create a holistic hair school to empower people in our industry and, most importantly, to inspire those who don't even know yet how wonderful the practice of the craft can be.
We have started to create an automated online teacher that is both an instructor and a mentor and can always bring the same pedagogical quality. And we wanted to provide what David had for others, but I didn't: namely, mentors and a school system that believes in you more than you do and will support you - wherever, whenever, and however YOU need it."

"Exactly. So we started to dream ... LOTS AND OFTEN. First in our minds. Then we developed the concept for a holistic school that combines the craft with personal growth through coaching and mentoring.That people like you and us can realize their dreams and potential in this great industry - without all the pain, struggles and self-doubt that we both went through.
So we set out to find the most effective and modern technical tools for the particular style of training we were aiming for. Then we started to develop our own platform, following our own didactics and educational methods.
All while training and mentoring our students inside to have real time feedback on what was working and what wasn't. And so, my dears, we have developed the first version of our holistic hair school, which is now available to people all over the world."

"Yes, and after that we started to prove that our system of school really works. And we did that by taking all of our employees and salon teams through our newly developed automated platform. So every day, a mentor team has been available for all employees to learn with whenever, wherever and however they need!"

And because the plan worked so well, we decided to make this automated mentor available 24/7 to everyone, even if they have zero talent and zero experience. We called our innovative concept "Online Hair School by minusplus"!

"And dear people - even if it seems too good to be true. There is now an opportunity for all people who really want to do it, to get a brilliant education. And with our special online mentoring, we now make it possible for anyone, anywhere, at any time to get a top-notch haircutting education without overburdening you financially."

"And if you're wondering why we're so passionate about what we do: We know our system works. It's been proven in practice. It also provides an efficient, practical and ethical solution for an industry in desperate need of change."
And therefore we are pleased
us so much that we have
everything today finally with
can share with you.
And that's why we're so excited to finally share it all with you today.
Our method
Combines the best of coaching and craft

What and on what
you believe
decides decisively
about your learning success.
Scientifically proven
Learning methods such as micro-learning
and Evolutionary Learning
support you step by
Step on your way.
Your learning success turns out to be
a lot faster,
if you want your results
from the beginning
in your team.