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The grass is always greener on the other side, and the hair of others is always more, less, longer, more voluminous, curlier, smoother than your own.

Let’s call this phenomenon Haar-Fomo (Fomo=Fear of Missing out). The person with the horsehair would rather have curls. The one with more would like less (“Takes hours to dry”, “I look like a lion”), the one with less would like more (“My roots are so flat”, “I have no volume”). Conclusion. There is nothing to miss out on. Put the hair fomo in a box, and bury it under the grass, which is greener on the other side.

Have courage to look like yourself. It’s just hair. If something is not quite right with your hair, in most cases, only two people see it: yourself and a professional. These two people have it in their hands to lead you to more well-being, and less envy of other people’s heads. Expertise is important, but confidence is critical. Together with our stylists at minusplus, the search for your own look is over. #looklikeyourself instead of #hairenvy.

Your Hair School

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