Specialized courses

60 day return policy

98% satisfaction rate

Unique learning method

Discover the art
behind the craft –

Become a stylist plus!

Stylist plus

You always wanted to learn the craft of a stylist, but it you lacked courage or the training offered put you off. Those around you have advised you to study instead because you can. you can earn more, and it is less stressful. Or the craft alone seemed too simple and not intellectual enough. And how how you are perceived on the outside was more important than your heart to follow.

Combine creativity with coaching and start your career on a new level. Discover how you can change the world with your passion for style and communication.

Hannes Stefan Trummer

Entrepreneur, mentor
and co-founder of

David Rinner

Trainer, coach and
Co Founder of

More than just a craft –

A journey to your true self

With us you will not only learn the art of styling, but also how you can bring about real change as a coach.

Unser Ausbildungsangebot

18 Monate Topausbildung
+ Coaching Skills
in einem unserer Partnersalons

Nach nur 4 Monaten praktischer Erfahrung
wirst du bereits eigene Kunden betreuen.

Du bist mindestens 18 Jahre alt und top motiviert.
Und das beste, schon ab dem ersten Monat bekommst du ein
Gehalt von mindestens € 1.030. € 500 mehr im Vergleich zur
klassischen Ausbildung ganz ohne Berufsschule!

Partner salon

Finde deinen idealen Salon und starte deine Karriere als
Stylist*in plus in einer professionellen Umgebung.
Karin Mahringer
Sabine Trummer

Why Stylist*plus?

Innovative and holistic training:
Combine craftsmanship with heart and mind.

Mastery of communication:
Resolve hindering beliefs and learn authentically in every situation
and communicate effectively.

Real creativity:
Discover your true potential and not only create looks, but
also, life paths.

Do you have the courage to follow your heart and yours?

dream to live? Then you are exactly right with us!

We revolutionize

the profession of stylist, ...

…. by taking it to a new level and offer a future-proof job that combines creativity and artistry with sound coaching skills.
Many people have the desire to be creative and… Being artistically active, but prejudices and insecurities often stand in the way. The reigns I believe you must already have certain talents or the work as an artist is only for one person reserved for a small circle. In addition, it is often assumed that art and creativity are exclusively… Have a hobby because financial security is important difficult to achieve in a creative profession.
We at Hairdressing.school prove the opposite: A career as a stylist not only offers the opportunity to be creative and artistic, but also also to achieve a stable income.
Unleash your creative potential and discover! with us a fulfilling and financially rewarding one Career path.
Our training goes beyond traditional craftsmanship and trains you in coaching skills, that allow you to connect with customers on a deeper level. to communicate and so unique, individual style to create experiences.

Deine Vorteile. Deine Community. Deine Mentor*innen.

Hairdressing.school Community

Eine Community, die eines gemeinsam hat. Den Wunsch zu lernen was man wirklich braucht.
Folgen, teilen austauschen: Vernetze dich weltweit mit haar verliebten Menschen.

Hairdressing.school Mentor*innen

Menschen denen du wichtig bist. Deine Mentor*innen.
Unsere Mentor*innen warten nur darauf, dich persönlich zu unterstützen
Ruth erzählt über ihre Erfahrungden der Online Hair School
Das Beste an der Ausbildung? Ich bekomme laufend Feedback in der Community-App und es ist immer wer da, den ich fragen kann!

Nikita, Azubi aus Berlin

Deine Zukunft als Stylist*in plus wartet auf dich. Los geht‘s!

Finde jetzt deinen Salon!