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Meditation in the inbox…

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe year is now almost halfway through again. Do you remember your resolutions? More of this, something

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The year is now almost halfway through again.

Do you remember your resolutions? More of this, something more often, less of that.

Somehow not retain anything? Actually, you wanted to meditate, for example, because with regular meditation comes serenity, and serenity is a superpower.

Again from the beginning. Actually, you wanted to meditate, for example, because with regular meditation….

You don’t have to torture yourself because you haven’t started yet, and therefore may never start.

You can start fresh at any moment. Here and now. If during meditation your thoughts race away with you on board, allow yourself to start over in the next moment.

It always works, even in minute 9 of 10. And it works with almost everything. The good thing is, you are loving to yourself.

Start again from the beginning. No matter what was like before yesterday and could be like tomorrow. Everything we have ever done is now a memory.

And no matter how we imagine the future, it is nothing more than thoughts in your head.

This moment, so r-i-g-h-t now, this is your chance to connect with your life. And with your hairdresser.

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